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about us

My journey on this earth has been one of discoveries.  When I was very young, I discovered that I could take away another's pain just by putting my hands on them.  I experienced some trauma in my life that offered me the gift of astral travel (going out of my body to escape and explore).   For most of my life, I loved doing art work, reading and writing.  I discovered that I did most of my healing in this way.  After University and a few years out in the world, I continued to help others yet felt a call to do it in a different way.  Then I discovered Expressive Arts Therapy and worked with children, teens and adults who had experienced violence and sexual abuse. For several years, I lived outside of Canada, in the U.S. and had a son.  After having him I experienced post-partum depression and sought alternative healing.  It was then I discovered shamanism.​  Through shamanic healing I was able to not only cope, but thrive and come alive.  I began recognizing my gifts as a healer, not only through the arts but also through my hands, my presence, and walking the path of the shaman.  Today I have been practicing and studying shamanism for over 18 years.  I am an anointed healer and anointed spiritual teacher.  I am a peaceful warrior, tree hugger and nature lover.

On October 13, 2013 in Mexico, I was anointed as Shaman Fire Snake.  I am blessed to walk this path and to continue to serve to heal the planet one person at a time through unconditional love and acceptance.

Tammy Grundy
Shaman with the International School of Shamanism
anointed spiritual healer, counselor & teacher
expressive arts therapist
b.a. fine arts

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